Inside Out is the 133rd animated feature film from Disney Studios and the 15th feature film from Pixar. Produced in computer-generated images by Pete Docter, it was released in 2015. In 2016, he won the Oscar for best animated film. At Headquarters, the control centre located in the head of little Riley, 11 years old, five Emotions are at work. At their head, Joie, overflowing with optimism and good humour, ensures that Riley is happy. Fear takes care of security, Anger ensures that justice reigns, and Disgust prevents Riley from being poisoned - literally and figuratively. As for Sadness, she is not very sure of her role. Neither are the others... When Riley's family moves to a big city, with all the frightening things that can happen, the Emotions have a lot to do to guide the young girl through this difficult transition. But when Joy and Sadness accidentally get lost in the furthest corners of Riley's mind, taking with them some essential memories, Fear, Anger and Disgust are forced to take over. Joy and Sadness will have to venture into very unusual places like Long-Term Memory, Land of Imagination, Abstract Thinking, or Dream Production, to try to find their way back to Headquarters so that Riley can pass this milestone and move forward in life...
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